Arden’s Allies

funding pediatric cancer research
and helping cancer families since 2013

After losing our 18-month-old daughter, Arden, to neuroblastoma in 2014, we and our dedicated community of Arden’s Allies have committed ourselves to raising money to fund pediatric cancer research projects and support local cancer families.

Our Why

Current cancer treatments aren’t effective enough or safe enough for neuroblastoma patients, but we want to fund a cure for the kids that come after Arden.

Arden’s Story

Arden was diagnosed with stage IV, high-risk neuroblastoma at 9 months old. She spent 9 months working hard to fight this rare form of cancer, but after an aggressive relapse, Arden lost her battle in February 2014.

Current Fundraiser

Our goal at Arden’s Allies is to continue to raise money to fund entire medical research grants which will directly benefit neuroblastoma research, clinical trials and treatments offered throughout the country. Arden’s Allies fully-funded a grant in 2020, 2 grants in 2022, 1 grant in 2024…and we want to keep supporting research year after year until we help find a cure!