About Arden’s Allies
What is Arden’s Allies? It started off as a simple slogan on a t-shirt sold by our friend. She wanted to raise money for us with the idea that the proceeds might pay for our expenses during Arden’s treatment.
Luckily, we were one of a small minority of people whose medical insurance nearly fully paid for over a million dollars in medical bills (which Arden racked up in just nine months’ time!). So, we donated those t-shirt proceeds back to various children’s cancer charities.
People supported us like this during Arden’s treatment with kind gestures big and small, and in return, we committed ourselves to pay forward that generosity as a way to honor Arden’s memory.
In that spirit, we try to highlight ways that people can support the other families who are battling pediatric cancer right now. We have hosted toy and book donation drives, sold t-shirts, facilitated cookie sales (to include Arden’s Chunky Cheeks cookies!), and hosted an annual fundraiser to fund pediatric cancer research grants.